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What is a plant? Check list - the path to licensing

Was ist eine Betriebsanlage? Checkliste - Der Weg zur Betriebsanlagengenehmigung

Lesedauer: 1 Minute


A plant comprises all buildings, rooms, open spaces, installations and facilities that constitute an operational unit and serve for the pursuit of a trade (e.g. a restaurant, workshop, salesroom, warehouse)

When does a plant require a licence for operation?

Plants are subject to official approval for operation if the usual operation can have one of the impacts (hazards, disturbances) listed below:

  • Disturbance of neighbours due to noise, odours, smoke, dust, vibrations, etc. (e.g. machinery, loading and unloading activities, production processes)
  • Risks for the owner, customers, guests and neighbours of the plant
  • Risks for the property or other material risks (e.g. easements) of neighbours
  • Pollution of bodies of water or ground water
  • Interference with public transport (e.g. due to delivery activities)
  • Disturbances of religious worship, school lessons or of a rehabilitation centre or hospital

If it is unclear whether a plant requires licensing, it is recommended to clarify all questions concerning the project at the project meeting. In case of doubt, the state governor, at the request of the operator, shall decide by way of assessment whether or not a licensing procedure has to be conducted.

The path to licensing.

  1. Clarification of existing and required permits (license for operation, building permit, zoning)
  2. Contacting the Plant Service of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
  3. Visual inspection of the plant
  4. Project preparation
  5. Discussion of the project at the project meeting
  6. Submission of the project to the commercial authority (remember the Act for Promoting     Start-Up Companies [NeuFöG] form!)
  7. Visual inspection negotiation
  8. Notification of licence

Also important to consider when setting up the plant:

  • Other necessary permits: under water law, under environmental protection law, under forestry law
  • Contaminated sites (viewing the contaminated sites map, suspicious sites register)
  • Apply for funding in good time before making investments
  • Apply for business founding support for start-ups and acquisitions in due time
  • Clarification of legal questions (legal form, liabilities, business licence -
  •  proof of competence, tenancy law, employees, taxes, social insurance, etc.)

Tip: Well-prepared projects save a great deal of time and money!

This information leaflet is a joint product of all Chambers of Commerce.

Note: Despite careful editing, no responsibility can be taken for the correctness of this information. Any liability of the Austrian Chambers of Commerce is excluded. The terms used for references to persons always apply to both genders!   

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