
Legal Notice

Austrian Hotel Classification

Lesedauer: 1 Minute



    Disclosure according to Para 25 Media Act

    Austrian Professional Hotel Association
    Head office:  Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1040 Vienna
    Telephone: +43 5 90 900 ext. 3554
    Fax: +43 5 90 900 ext. 3568
    Entitled to represent: KR Johann Spreitzhofer

    Area of activity:  Interest representation as well as information, advice and support of the corresponding members as legal interest representation.
    Guidelines of the website:
    (editorial concept)   Furthering the goals of the area of activity is a project of the Austrian Professional Hotel Association. With regard to the technical features of the internet, no guarantee can be undertaken for authenticity, correctness or completeness of the information made available on the internet. No guarantee is undertaken for the availability or for the operation of the current homepage and its contents.

    All responsibility for direct, indirect or other damage(s), irrespective of its cause which results from the use or the non-availability of data and information on this homepage is as far as legally permitted excluded.

    The contents of this homepage are protected by copyright. The information is only intended for personal use. Without the permission of the Austrian Professional Hotel Association, all uses which exceed this purpose, particularly saving in databases, duplication, any form of commercial use, and forwarding to third parties whether in part or in edited form, is prohibited.

    Hyperlinks on are welcome. The incorporation of individual pages of our offer in external frames is not permitted.

    Insofar as the content uses the masculine form, it is assumed that this refers to both genders on equal terms. 

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    WKO Inhouse GmbH, Wiedner Hauptstraße 120, 1050 Wien