Hotel classification in Austria
Austrian Hotel Classification
Lesedauer: 2 Minuten
The Austrian system of hotel classification is a uniform system that is effective throughout Austria. The hotel classification offers guests and tour operators a reliable guide to hotel and accommodation offers and a uniform measure of their quality standards.
The rating criteria are based on current market research results and reflect the guest expectations for the respective categories. This relevance to the present ensures that the dynamism of the hotel industry is complied with and that the guest can be confident that his or her expectations and wishes are taken into consideration in the classification procedure.
The assignment of star ratings is conducted by an independent committee on the application of the establishment. Regular inspections and a system of regular self-checks ensure quality. Member establishments are free to use the services of the Professional Groups of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber such as the Austrian Professional Hotel Association at their own choosing.
The classification of hotel and other accommodation establishments distinguish between ‘full service establishments’ ( e.g. hotel, pension, guesthouse) and establishments with limited gastronomic offer (formerly Hotel Garni, bed and breakfast). The difference between both types concerns the catering services. Establishments with limited gastronomic offer is restricted for the categories 1* to 4*. For apartments or similar establishments which offer no or only limited services to guests, special guidelines apply.
The criteria catalogue for the Austrian Hotelclassification consists of a mixed system of minimum criteria that must be fulfilled without fail, a minimum number of points and additional points. This mixture results in the number of stars to be awarded.
In all star classes (1 - 5*) an additional quality mark – ‚Superior‘ - can be reached when fulfilling the respective requirements. The ‚S‘ in each of the star classes denotes ‚Superior‘, ‚service‘, ‚subjective perception‘ and ‚soft criteria‘ and defines a clear ‚extra‘ in service provision and quality. This gets reflected in a higher score.
General evaluation criteria - the overall impression
Overall impression and condition (furnishings and fixtures and fittings) and immaculate standards of cleanliness and hygiene are pre-conditions for entering into the Austrian Hotel Classification.
Over and above those criteria, the following are also important for classification into the particular categories:
- Quality of service and this includes demeanour, dress, friendlyness and professionalism of management and staff.
- External appearance, including access/access road, the drive up to the buliding, parking and garden.
- The hotels own specific leisure and additional facilities (e.g. indoor swimming pool, sauna, convention rooms, gardens, garage parking spaces, etc.).
- Guest satisfaction (number of complaints and handling thereof).
You will find the classification criteria for hotels and apartments in Downloads.