Information in English
Creative Industries Austria
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In Austria, the creative industries are key drivers of growth and innovation. These industries have a high potential for innovation within themselves, as well as in inspiring innovation in other sectors, by contributing to the creation of value and growth in other companies.
They create crossover effects and are responsible for a significant impact on innovation, the economy, and society. Professionals in this field play a crucial role as catalysts in driving innovation, transforming businesses, and developing new business models. Additionally, the transformative power of the creative industries can make a significant contribution to create sustainable jobs (especially in SMEs), enhancing the attractiveness of cities and regions as business locations and strengthening regional innovation systems.
The Creative Industries comprise profit-oriented companies that are engaged in the creation, production, (media) distribution of creative and cultural goods and services, including advertising, design, film and music, photography, books and publishing, radio and TV, software and games, architecture and the art market.
Our Support
In Austria and the European Union, the Creative Industries Austria, as part of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, represents the interests of the creative industries and aims to enhance the visibility of services based on creative industries. Known as KAT (Kreativwirtschaft Austria), Creative Industries Austria offers a wide range of services to harness the innovative potential and economic success of the creative industries, as well as facilitate cross-industry networking. Our goal is to…
- create favorable conditions for the creative industries and innovate with a comprehensive understanding of creative industry innovation,
- increase awareness and visibility of the creative industries within the business sector and
- empower the creative industries through entrepreneurship, economic expertise, networking, collaboration, and innovative ecosystems.
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