Werbung und Marktkommunikation, Fachverband

AIG Newsletter 21 March 2022

Advertising Information Group-Newsletter

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AIG Exchange, 10 March

The AIG Exchange reconvened virtually on 10 March and discussed the industry’s response to the Ukraine crisis, including own-initiatives programmes to support workers and businesses in Ukraine. In addition to this, policy developments related to food advertising, digital advertising and climate change were discussed. On the latter point, AIG took the opportunity to introduce a draft ‘Climate Change Playbook’, a shared resource to help create alignment between policy positions and messaging around climate change.


DSA trilogue negotiations

On 15 March, the EU institutions met for the latest round of trilogue negotiations on the DSA. The key talking point from the session was Executive VP Vestager’s proposal to charge very large online platforms (VLOPs) a supervisory fee to provide the Commission with the resources to monitor compliance. The Council and the EP had resisted this proposal previously (voting it down in Plenary in January), but it now appeared that the lead negotiators were open to the proposal. On targeted advertising, calls for further restrictions remained but the Council made clear it would only accept provisions protecting minors. The Commission was now expected to draft a possible compromise. Other issues discussed included risk assessment, risk mitigation, online marketplaces, dark patterns, search engines. More information can be found here.

AIG joins joint association letter on targeted advertising

AIG has joined a letter signed by 34 organisations highlighting the importance of avoiding unnecessary restrictions in the Digital Markets Act that would undermine the value of targeted advertising in Europe. The letter, currently under embargo, will be published on Tuesday 22 March and will be circulated to MEPs, Perm Reps and national ministries. A copy of the letter will go to news outlets and be posted to social media.

LIBE holds a hearing on the GDPR implementation and enforcement

On 17 March, the EP LIBE Committee held a public hearing on GDPR implementation, enforcement and the lessons learned. Experts explained that while progress had been made, companies’ privacy policies were still complex, widespread illegal tracking online remained, and on cross-border complaints, inconsistent DPA rulings across EUMS had affected the level playing field. The Commission believed the GDPR was positive overall, but MEPs agreed that more progress under the GDPR was required, particularly around improving harmonisation between national systems.

IMCO holds a hearing on dark patterns

On 16 March, the EP IMCO Committee held a hearing with experts and stakeholders to discuss dark patterns and the risks posed to consumers, businesses, and the digital single market. Experts called for greater collaboration between consumer protection, competition and data protection, but also better enforcement of the UCPD and the GDPR. There were also calls for strong provisions in the DSA and the DMA. The second panel discussed the misuse of dark patterns by large online companies. Experts called for strict new laws to prohibit dark patterns practices and called for Article 13a DSA to be the vehicle to regulate this area.


MEPs adopt INGE report on foreign interference in democratic processes, including disinformation

On 9 March, the EP adopted the Report on Foreign interference in all democratic processes in the EU, including Disinformation. The own initiative report, produced by the INGE Committee, explored how malicious foreign powers manipulate information and interfere in the EU to undermine democratic processes.

The report urged the EU to create a common strategy to face the challenge of disinformation. This included adopting specific sanctions related to foreign interference, and publicly funding independent media, journalists, fact-checkers and researchers.

EP INGE Committee discusses Code of Practice 2.0 on Disinformation

On 15 March, the EP INGE Committee also invited officials from DG CNECT, AVAAZ and EPRA to discuss the current Code of Practice on Disinformation and plans to revise it. DG CNECT explained that the code of practice would become a stronger code of conduct once the DSA was adopted. AVAAZ believed the revision of the code was an opportunity to present more detailed guidelines on the risk mitigation measures for platforms and called for a more transparent process. EPRA expected a shift towards a co-regulatory framework. A new code was expected to be finalised before the summer.


WHO consultation on policy framework to reduce alcohol consumption and associated health harms

The WHO has published a consultation on its framework to strengthen implementation of the WHO European Action Plan to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol (EAPA), 2022 – 2025. It includes recommendations to restrict the content and volume of alcohol marketing, as well as recommendations on alcohol pricing and availability, health information, health services response and community action. The deadline to respond is 25 March.


AIG is on Twitter! If you haven’t already, please follow us!


22 March: What will Europe’s digital economy look like after the Digital Services Act? , Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE)

22 March: Who will enforce the Digital Markets Act? Bruegel

29 March: Connected Europe: Looking forward. Friends of Europe 

29 March: Data Act Debate, The European Internet Forum (EIF) 

21 April: Symposium on Data Access, French Presidency 

27 April: Skills in the digital world: a path towards inclusive transformation, The European Internet Forum (EIF)