Personen arbeiten an einem 3D Drucker, am Tisch sind verschiedene technische Komponenten ersichtlich
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Products, Technologies and Services

Lesedauer: 5 Minuten


The Austrian companies in the security and defence sector offer a broad portfolio of products, services, technology and knowledge to meet the technical and technological demands which arise as a result.

Most of the companies produce so-called dual-use products, which are used both in the civilian and military sector worldwide.

Technology leadership, customer orientation, an excellent level of quality and the ability to provide innovative and tailor-made solutions justify the global competitiveness of Austrian companies in this strategic security sector.

Weapons and Ammunition

Weapons and Ammunition: Company Directory

Vehicles and Accessories

Vehicles, Accessories: Company Directory

Personal Equipment

Personal Equipment: Company Directory

Communication Equipment

Communication Equipment: Company Directory

Engineering Equipment

Engineering Equipment: Company Directory

Optical Equipment and Opto-Electronics

Optical Equipment, Opto-Electronics: Company Directory

Test Equipment

Logistics, Medical and Humanitarian Equipment

Logistics, Medical and Humanitarian Equipment: Company Directory

Engineering Services, Training

Engineering Services, Training: Company Directory

Demilitarisation, Deminig

Demilitarisation, Deminig: Company Directory


Components: Company Directory

ICT, Cyber

ICT, Cyber: Company Directory


Others: Company Directory

↓ Industry Catalogue "Security and Defence Industry"