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About us

Austrian Defence & Security Industry

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    The Austrian Defence & Security Industry (ASW) is the national interest group of the defence and security sector within the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and pursues the following goals:

    • Identify synergy and cooperation potentials
    • Strengthen competitiveness
    • Position Austria as industry location for qualified system supplies
    • Strengthen and represent common interests of the branch
    • Increase cooperation and export share by supporting international contacts and match-making.

    The Austrian companies in the security and defence sector offer a broad portfolio of products, services, technology and knowledge with focus on the technology areas automotive & accessories, weapons & ammunition, aviation systems & components, personal defence equipment as well as information, communication & cyber technology. Most of the companies produce so-called dual-use products, which are used worldwide in the civilian and military sector.

    The service for our members includes the preparation of information on current topics and support in the following areas:

    • Showcasing our members’ supply and performance capabilities
    • Joint appearance at international venues
    • Contracts to business partners and demand carriers, European/international cooperations
    • Cooperations in research and development
    • Legal framework and standards.

    Together with the supporting members of the association – the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Austrian Association of the Metaltechnology Industries, the Automotive Industry and the Austrian Foreign Trade Association the ASW operates a strong and extensive network reaching out to the entirety of Austrian companies operating in the security & defence sector.

    ASW cooperates closely with ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA – the trade promotion organisation of the Austrian Federal Economic – and its offices all over the world.

    Organigramm der ARGE Sicherheit und Wirtschaft
    © ARGE Sicherheit & Wirtschaft