Seilbahnen, Fachverband

Rahmenbedingungen der Zutrittskontrolle mit Bildvergleich (englisch)

Text für Homepage, AGB und Aushang

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Der Text für Homepage, AGB und Aushang lautet auf Englisch*:

Information as per § 24 Data Protection Act 2000 on „Photocompare“

Please note that, for access control purposes, a reference photo is taken with a camera at the turnstile when the ski lift card holder passes through for the first time. This reference photo is used by the ski lift staff for comparison purposes with any further photos taken at any turnstile equipped with a camera when the card holder passes through.

The reference photo is deleted as soon as the validity of the card runs out, any other photos 30 minutes at the latest after the card holder passes through any of the other turnstiles.

It should be made clear that it is possible to produce lift cards that are technically config-ured in such a way that no photo is taken when passing through the turnstile. In this case, spot checks are carried out by the lift staff.

* Vielen Dank An die Arlberger Bergbahnen AG, die uns die englische Übersetzung zur Verfügung gestellt hat.

Stand: 12.07.2017

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