Association of Austrian Occupational Pension and Provision Funds
Lesedauer: 1 Minute
The Association of Austrian Occupational Pension and Provision Funds was established in the year 2022. It is the legal successor of the Association of Austrian Occupational Pensionfunds, which was established in 1992. It is not a voluntary and loose association but an organisation under public law. So all single employer and multi employer pension funds are members of this association as well as all the 8 occupational provision funds.
Its task is to promote and to support the common interests of the members of the association, nationally and internationally. This includes giving expert opinion on bills of law and advice to Parliament and governmental authorities on all matters touching interests of the pension fund community.
The Association of Austrian Occupational Pension and Provision Funds is a public body within the Austrian Economic Chamber. Therefore it is a democratic institution resting on the free will expressed by its members. The members elect the chairman, currently Mr. Andreas Zakostelsky, and his deputies Andreas Csurda and Beate Wolf.
The professional association is serviced by a Secretariat actually headed by Mr. Stefan Pichler. Mr. Karl-Heinz Wanker and Mrs. Marina Kargl are consultants and two people of staff are working in the secretariat, Mrs. Gabriele Rotter and Mrs. Monika Domonkos. The staff will be happy to answer your questions.
Mission Statement
As long-term, sustainable investors of private social capital, the Austrian Occupational Pension and Provision Funds are aware of their leading role regarding to society, business location and environmental protection and in the fight against climate change. The goal is to make the investments made and thus the national economy climate neutral.
The pension and provision funds integrate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their investment strategies. They ensure compliance with the principles of good governance in their due diligence and investment processes and along their value chain. They also observe the principles of the UN Global Compacts and integrate them into their investment strategies.
Further Information
Information about the Austrian Occupational Pension Funds
Answers to your questions concerning the new system of severance payments as well as all matters about Austrian Provision Funds