Women in Business
Representing female entrepreneurs
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Since 1983, Women in Business (Frau in der Wirtschaft - FiW) has been the contact partner within the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ) for more than 135,000 female entrepreneurs in Austria. About one third of the Austrian companies are led by women and more than 45% of the companies were founded by women. Women in Business is a service center regarding the representation of interests and a strong network at federal level as well as within the nine provincial organisations in Austria.
Women in Business supports the improvement of the general framework for female entrepreneurs, raise awareness in politics and media and provides know-how and experiences for all different kinds of companies in Austria. Our magazine “unternehmerin” for female entrepreneurs - published four times a year, our website unternehmerin.at and our newsletters offer information on current topics and provide practical advices for female entrepreneurs.
Representation of Interests
Women in Business also supports and strengthens women in many other fields. For example, the introduction of the entrepreneurial aid (“Betriebshilfe”) guarantees a qualified and temporary replacement for women in certain cases like maternity leave or other emergencies. Reconciliation of work and family life is still one of the biggest challenges female entrepreneurs with children have to face. Women in Business is working intensively on supporting a better work-life-balance and calls and stand up for expansion of child-care facilities. A quantitative as well as a qualitative affordable expansion is needed, with openening hours throughout the whole year and all day long.
Network for Female Entrepreneurs and Executives
Women in Business is a network for female entrepreneurs, managing directors, and women co-entrepreneurs. By arranging regular technical lectures, and seminars among other things, Women in Business improves the leadership and negotiation skills of female business owners.
Within the Eurochambres Women Network (EWN), Women in Business also takes part in initiatives at EU level, participates in EU-funded projects and strengthens the cooperation and representation of female interests within the EU. Main topics are the empowerment of women entrepreneurs and the exchange of best practices.