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[Schuh- und Lederwarenindustrie]

The Austrian Footwear and Leather Goods Industry

Member Companies, Trademarks, Products and Manufacturers

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The Austrian Footwear and Leather Goods Industry Group is part of the Austrian Association of the Textile, Clothing, Shoe and Leather Industry, which is an independent organisation within the Austrian Economic Chamber. 

The Austrian Footwear and Leather Goods Industry Group sees itself as

  • an extensive provider of services to their members
  • an advocacy, especially against government and governmental agencies, chambers and unions
  • an representative of the industries’ concerns at European level
  • an ideal discussion forum for member companies and their environment

The Austrian Footwear and Leather Goods Industry Group comprises companies within the

We invite you to learn more about our member companies and their extensive product range in Footwear and Leather Goods and Luggage. 

Contact us

Berufsgruppe Schuh- und Lederwarenindustrie
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63 | 1045 Wien

Stand: 27.03.2024

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