Zu sehen ist ein Sujet der Jungen Wirtschaft der WKÖ. Auf orangem Hintergrund steht in weißer Schrift
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Junior Chamber Austria - Junge Wirtschaft Österreich (JWÖ)

Connecting young entrepreneurs

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Junior Chamber Austria - Junge Wirtschaft Österreich (JWÖ) is the association of young entrepreneurs and leaders between the age of 18 to 40 years. JWÖ is part of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and provides different kinds of services and lobbying for better regulations for enterprises as well as national and international networking opportunities with more than 600 events per year all over Austria. The National Congress with 1.000 participants is the biggest Austrianwide convention for young entrepreneurs and therefor is our flagship project.

Providing information and education

Our organisation is continously providing information on current entrepreneurial topics on the website www.jungewirtschaft.at and in the newsletter as well as in the biannual magazine "die junge wirtschaft“.

Junge Wirtschaft with its 9 state organisations offers plenty of events with top keynote speakers, seminars and workshops focusing on how to improve different management skills. Furthermore the participants can take the chance on sharing their experiences with others and develop new business ideas.

Networking and innovation

Networking also takes place online via the so called marketplace "Businessportal“ www.jungewirtschaft.at/businessportal. On this platform business contacts can be established and services and products can be presented for finding a customer, a supplier or a partner. Another service-offer is the "innovation monitor“. On www.jungewirtschaft.at/innovationsmonitor young entrepreneurs can find new product ideas from all over the world. Trendscouts show how entrepreneurs are implementing these innovations in their enterprises.

Internationally connected

On the international level JWÖ is part of Junior Chamber International (JCI). For our members we coordinate export missions, trips to leading exhibitions and to international conferences for young entrepreneurs.

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