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Principles of the Austrian Economic Chambers

Why we do what we do

Lesedauer: 1 Minute


The chambers of commerce stand for ... 

  • Entrepreneurial thinking and entrepreneurship
    We support entrepreneurial thinking for more entrepreneurship.
  • Excellence in education, research and innovation
    We promote excellence in education, research and innovation for a competitive economy.
  • Personal responsibility, performance and solidarity
    We stand for personal responsibility, performance and solidarity
  • Sustainability and social responsibility
    We have a social responsibility to promote a sustainable economy.
  • Self-government and subsidiarity
    We are committed to self-government and the principle of subsidiarity.
  • Social partnership as “Zukunftspartnerschaft”
    We see the social partnership as a model for cooperation and reconciliation in the future.
  • Forward looking regional and structural development
    We work for forward looking regional and structural development.
  • Fair competition at national and international level
    We demand national and international level playing fields for fair competition.
  • European mindset and international activity
    We think and act internationally for a successful Austria in a united Europe in a global world. 

Principles approved by the Executive Committee of the Austrian Economic Chamber on November 25th, 2020

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