Mehrere Wohnhäuser in Bauphase mit Balkonen, im Hintergrund Kräne unter blauem Himmel
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Ukraine: Aktuelle Ausschreibungen

Neue Projekte für den Wiederaufbau

Lesedauer: 1 Minute


Internationale Geldgeber und Finanzinstitute treffen bereits Vorbereitungen und entwickeln Projekte, um nach Beendigung der Kriegshandlungen unverzüglich den kurz- und langfristigen Wiederaufbau nach dem Motto "build back better" in die Wege zu leiten. Nachstehend finden Sie eine Auswahl an aktuellen Ausschreibungen, die von internationalen Organisationen finanziert werden.

Hydro Power Plants Rehabilitation Project: Supply of hydro-mechanical equipment for Kremenchug HPP and Dnipro     


Funding Agency: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development     
Application Deadline: 01 Aug 2024  

Category: Goods

Sectors: Water & Sanitation, Mechanical Engineering    

Languages: English

Hydro Power Plants Rehabilitation Project. Supply of hydro-mechanical equipment for Kremenchug HPP And Dnipro HPP.   

» Original source 

Procurement of Electric Railway Locomotives


Funding Agency: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development       

Application Deadline: 22 Jul 2024       

Category: Goods   

Sectors: Vehicles

Languages: English

Design and supply of ca. 80 electric main line locomotives for dual (AC/DC) supply voltage, including 25kV, and the minimum operational speed 120 km/h.    

» Original source

Selection of implementing partners for the program livelihood +: economic integration of internally displaced people and persons affected by conflict


Funding Agency: International Organization for Migration (IOM) 

Application Deadline: 17 Jun 2024       

Category: Consulting services  

Sectors: Programme & Resource Management

Languages: English

IOM in partnership with IPs plans to establish, train and provide in-kind and technical support to 12 community development councils (CDCs) in hromadas of Kyiv, Chernihiv and/or Sumy oblast that will be able to support local recovery efforts and to lead the needs assessment, prioritization and implementation of socio-economic recovery plans.

» Original source

Acquisition of new rolling stock (Metrotrain)  


Funding Agency: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)  

Application Deadline: June 17, 2024   

Category: Goods  

Sectors: Transport     

Languages: English

Supply of 17 new five-car metro trainsets with full-width inter-car passenger gangway connections.   

» Original source

Construction of solar power plant for water and wastewater utility in the city of Chortkiv


Funding Agency: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Nordic Environment Finance Corporation      

Application Deadline: Jun 21, 2024   

Category: Works  

Sectors: Civil Engineering, Water & Sanitation, Electrical Engineering      

Languages: English

Neubau eines Solarkraftwerks an den Anlagen des Wasserversorgungs- und Abwassersystems in der Stadt Tschortkiw   

» Original source

Weitere Ausschreibungen werden auf folgenden Plattformen veröffentlicht: 

Stand: 12.06.2024

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