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Long-term supplier’s declaration for products having preferential origin status

Annex 22-16 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2447

Lesedauer: 1 Minute

The supplier’s declaration, the text of which is given below, must be made out in accordance with the footnotes. However, the footnotes do not have to be reproduced.


I, the undersigned, declare that the goods described below:

……………… (1)

……………… (2)

which are regularly supplied to ……………… (3) , originate in ……………… (4) and satisfy the rules of origin governing preferential trade with ……………… (5).

I declare that (6):

  • Cumulation applied with ……………… (name of the country/countries)
  • No cumulation applied

This declaration is valid for all shipments of these products dispatched from: ……………… to ……………… (7).

I undertake to inform ……………… immediately if this declaration is no longer valid.

I undertake to make available to the customs authorities any further supporting documents they require.

……………… (8)

……………… (9)

……………… (10)

(1) Description.

(2) Commercial designation as used on the invoices, e.g. model No.

(3) Name of company to which goods are supplied.

(4) The European Union, country, group of countries or territory, from which the goods originate.

(5) Country, group of countries or territory concerned.

(6) To be completed, where necessary, only for goods having preferential origin status in the context of preferential traderelations with one of the countries with which pan-Euro-Mediterranean cumulation of origin is applicable.

(7) Give the start and end dates. The period shall not exceed 24 months.

(8) Place and date of issue.

(9) Name and position, name and address of company.

(10) Signature

Stand: 10.02.2022