In einem Eingangsbereich stehen verschiedene Personen. Eine betritt gerade den Raum. Eine andere unterhält sich mit einer anderen Person, die hinter einem Tresen steht

Our Vision

AT60 – House of the Austrian Economy in Brussels

Lesedauer: 1 Minute


A place dedicated to the economy. Right here, in the center of Brussels, Austria meets Europe. And you.

Creating the future. Together.

For a country like Austria with a strong focus on exports, it is vital that the interests of the domestic economy are effectively represented within the EU. If you want to drive change in Brussels and not just monitor developments from the sidelines, a strong local base and close cooperation with like-minded allies are key. Furthermore, successful networking across countries and industries is becoming increasingly important for entrepreneurs.

Together with the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (EU Representation), ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Brussels and Austrian National Tourist Office, AT60 ‒ House of the Austrian Economy brings together concentrated expertise and competence for successful representation of interests in Europe. It is open to all Austrian companies as well as the entire Federal Economic Chamber Organisation, its officials and associations and European (business) associations.

In einem Dreieck steht AT 60. Unter dem Dreieck sind in zwei Reihen vier Rechtecke. Oben links steht meeting point, daneben place to be, darunter USP in Brüssel, daneben Lobbying

AT60 provides companies with a hub for information, communication and networking in the EU. This is becoming increasingly crucial, given the cross-cutting nature of many of the key challenges facing us today, including geopolitics, raw material and supply security, energy and digital transformation. To address these challenges effectively, new forms of collaboration are required, particularly at the European level, and across different sectors.

AT60 represents the efficiency and strength of the Austrian economy by combining the representation of EU interests, services in the field of internationalisation and the promotion of Austria as a tourist destination in a sustainable and ecologically designed building. 

A place in the heart of Europe


AT60 - House of the Austrian Economy

Avenue de Cortenbergh 60, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

❶ Austrian Embassy Brussels
1 min / 50 m

❷ Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU
2 min / 120 m

❸ Council of the European Union
5 min / 450 m

❹ European Commission (Berlaymont)
5 min / 450 m

❺ European Economic and Social Committee
10 min / 1,4 km

❻ European Parliament
15 min  / 1,9 km

❼ EuroCommerce
10 min / 900m

❽ SMEunited
13 min / 1,2 km

❾ Eurochambres
15 min / 1,4 km

Public Transport
U1/U5 Schuman

Brussels Airport Zaventem
20 min by car, 25 min by train, 35 min by bus / 10 km


Your opportunities at the AT60