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About us

Austrian Industrial Cooperation & Aviation Technology

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The Austrian Industrial Cooperation & Aviation Technology (AICAT) is a network consisting of public institutions, companies and research institutions from the aeronautical sector.

Industrial Cooperation

The aim of Industrial Cooperation is to bring Austrian technology companies to the forefront - particularly in the context of the international public procurement – and to present opportunities for cooperation with international OEM´s and their suppliers.

The AICAT bundles the interests of Austrian companies in the fields of development, planning and procurement. Its purpose is to preserve the Austrian technology base and to support further technology advancements.

Aviation Technology

The aviation technology bundles the interests of the Austrian economy in the aviation and aviation infrastructure sectors, in order to

  • identify synergy and cooperation potentials
  • strengthen competitiveness
  • position Austria as a location for qualified system supply
  • advocate a stronger representation of common interests and
  • support exports by establishing international contacts.

The service for our members includes the preparation of information on current topics and support in the following areas:

  • Showcasing our members’ supply and performance capabilities
  • Joint appearance at international venues
  • Contact to business partners and demand carriers, European/international cooperations
  • Cooperations in research and development
  • Legal framework and standards.

As an Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO) organisation with nine regional Economic Chambers as its shareholders, AICAT runs a strong and extensive network and reaches out to the entirety of Austrian companies operating in the aviation sector.

In close collaboration with ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA, the foreign trade promotion organisation of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, and its offices around the world, AICAT is able to provide individual support to all potential partners, customers and suppliers. AICAT has also entered into a partnership with the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) to promote joint projects and the exchange of knowledge.

Organigramm der ARGE industrielle Kooperation und Luftfahrttechnologie
© ARGE industrielle Kooperation und Luftfahrttechnologie | WKÖ Organisation of the Austrian Industrial Cooperation & Aviation Technology (AICAT)