Statistik-Quellen für europäische Staaten
Links auf Institutionen in europäischen Staaten
Lesedauer: 1 Minute
- Albanien Institute of Statistics
- Andorra Departament d'Estadistica del Govern d'Andorra
- Belgien National Institute of Statistics
- Bulgarien National Statistical Institute NSI
- Bosnien und Herzegowina Federal Bureau of Statistics
- Dänemark Statistics Denmark
- Estland Eesti Pank, Bank of Estonia
- Estland Statistical Office of Estonia
- Färöer Inseln Statistics Faroe Islands
- Finnland Statistics Finland SF
- Frankreich Institut national d'études démographiques INÉD
- Frankreich Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques INSÉÉ
- Griechenland Hellenic Statistical Authority
- Grönland Statistics Greenland
- Irland Central Statistics Office CSO
- Island Statistics Iceland
- Italien National Institute of Statistics of Italy ISTAT
- Kroatien Central Bureau of Statistics DZS
- Kroatien National Bank - Statistics
- Lettland Bank of Latvia
- Lettland Central Statistical Bureau CSB
- Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - Wirtschaft
- Litauen Department of Statistics StD
- Luxemburg Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques STATEC
- Malta National Statistics Office
- Mazedonien State Statistical Office
- Moldawien National Bureau of Statistics
- Monaco Official Government Portal
- Montenegro Statistical Office of the Republic of Montenegro - Monstat
- Niederlande Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek CBS
- Niederlande Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
- Niederlande Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute NIDI
- Norwegen Central Bank of Norway
- Norwegen Statistics Norway SSB
- Polen Central Statistical Office of Poland CSOP
- Polen National Bank of Poland
- Portugal Bank of Portugal
- Portugal Instituto Nacional de Estatística INE
- Portugal Regional Statistics Service of the Azores
- Rumänien National Institute of Statistics
- Russische Föderation Central Bank of the Russian Federation
- Russische Föderation Federal State Statistical Service
- San Marino Ufficio Informatica, Tecnologia, Dati e Statistica
- Serbien Statistical Office
- Schweden Central Bank of Sweden
- Schweden Statistics Sweden SCB
- Schweiz Bundesamt für Statistik Schweiz BFS
- Slowakei National Bank of Slovakia
- Slowakei Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
- Slowenien Bank of Slovenia
- Slowenien Statistical Office of The Republic of Slovenia
- Spanien Basque Statistical Office EUSTAT
- Spanien Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya SCB
- Spanien National Institute of Statistics INE
- Tschechien Czech Statistical Office CzSO
- Tschechien Czech National Bank
- Türkei Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (TCMB) TCMB
- Türkei State Institute of Statistics SIS
- Ungarn Hungarian Central Statistical Office
- Ukraine State Statistics Service
- United Kingdom Office for National Statistics
- United Kingdom National Records of Scotland
- United Kingdom GOV.UK Statistics
- Weißrussland National Statistical Committee