Smart Cities
C-X Project
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Chamber X members explored the theme of "Smart Cities" at the 2020 conference. The comparison of the different approaches of the metropolises to the topic of smart development taught three points:
- Despite different approaches, the focus is on services for citizens and businesses
- Many of the innovations were initiated by local companies
- The basic prerequisite for the development of a smart city is the accessibility of data; open data is not just a concept.
Smart City presentations of the C-X members
- Beijing
- Berlin
- London
- Paris
- Moscow
- Sao Paulo
- Vienna: overview | strategy and objectives
Smart City projects of the C-X metropolises
- Beijing
- Berlin
- London
- Paris
- Moscow
- Sao Paulo
- Vienna: official infopage
Current tenders and announcements for future projects
- Beijing
- Berlin
- London
- Paris
- Moscow
- Sao Paulo
- Vienna:
International Events on Smart City
- Smart City World Congress 2021 in Barcelona
- Weltklimakonferenz Glasgow
- Waste Expo Brazil 2022
- Mega-Infrastrukturprojekt "Grand Paris Express" als Vorbereitung für die olympischen Sommerspiele 2024